Raise the Bar Wellness

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Pushing Past the Frontier of Growth

Everyone feeling proud of themselves after the workout

Two of the 12-year-old students in my adolescent fitness class today CHOSE to complete more rounds than were required in the workout. So instead of completing 3 to 5 rounds, they completed 6, and 7.

It seemed fitting that my pep talk today was based on the theme of “the frontier”. Let me explain…

Whether it’s my own workout or a class I’m teaching others, there’s often a moment that feels uncomfortable, impossible, or even terrible.

Thoughts come up that make you think you cannot accomplish the exercise or class. Thoughts come up that tell you you’re not strong enough. Thoughts come up that tell you you’re just not the kind of person who can do this exercise.

This is what I call “The Frontier”.

The Frontier is the edge of what you think is possible for yourself. It’s where your understanding of your own capabilities meets dead space. It’s the unknown. It’s also the place where many people stop, turn around, and go back to what’s familiar. It’s where people give up because they simply cannot imagine how to fill the dead space beyond The Frontier. “How will I do it?” They ask. “Who will I be if I keep going?” “How can I still be me if I’m doing things that used to think were impossible?”

One subconscious misconception humans have is that we must cling to the old in order to be safe. When we’re faced with the uncomfortable, say, an exercise in a workout, or a new job, or during a moment of conflict in a relationship, we complain, we get depressed, we get angry, we pull away. This happens because somewhere within us we’re afraid we will lose something precious if we expand into new territory. That, if we stretch ourselves to accept a new ability or a new way of seeing ourselves, we will lose who we were just moments before.

Training is a metaphor for other things in life because it shows us where we’re limited and where we can grow. The discomfort that often comes up during intense exercise invites us to lean in or walk away. This frontier is crucial. It’s where the most growth can happen.

I love working with kids in fitness training, because I get to stand with them as they face their frontier, again and again. I get to stand on the sidelines and say “You can do it! You got this!” And I get to watch as they surprise even themselves. Every person I’ve ever worked with is more capable than they think they are. I watch their faces light up and see the pride in their eyes when they reach new heights. When they start filling the dead space beyond the frontier, with hope and faith in their ability to grow.

Today’s class was one of those moments. I had the privilege of watching two students choose to push past their previous limitations with ease. With joy. With self-pride.